
My name...Newton, Newtie, Newtron, Newtronovich, Puppy, Pretty Boy
Childhood ambition... To be a watch dog.
Soundtrack... Lion King
Retreat... My bed in a bright sunny window
Wildest dream... No dogs
Proudest moment... Catching mice and then presenting them to my daddy.
Biggest challenge...Mastering the Pythagorean theory.
Alarm clock...The sound of my daddy’s voice..
Perfect day... Sunshine, no dogs and a bit of Vivaldi playing.
First job... Inspected parts at an electronics factory.
Indulgence... Nip!
Last purchase... Mr. Science home chemistry kit.
Favorite movie... Born Free
Inspiration... Sir Isaac Newton
My life... A hit of nip and sleeping the afternoon away.
My card... MasterCat
So glad to finally meet the baby kitty.
I'm really a cat person, myself.
I stole this from you and used it on my blog - hope you don't mind - your animals are wonderful and I love your blog!
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