Movin' Out

Yes, there are advantages to living less than a third of a mile from the third largest university campus in the country. All within easy walking distance, there's a large selection of ethnic restaurants, bars, coffee shops, an art film house, art galleries, sporting events (I've been told), and of course you can't forget the 25,000 young men who always seem to be roaming about.
But for now we will have some peace and calm. Today was the Spring Commencement at Ohio State. The student population will now deflate to mostly Asian and Arab grad students. Traffic and parking will no longer be a issue. The late night parties will be few and far between. I'll be able to run into the grocery store without having to spend all that time following someone yummy up and down every aisle.
The good and bad news is that Autumn Quarter starts September 20th.
yes, he's a whore.
I continue living near the University of Memphis simply for the eye candy. Were I straight, I would have moved many years ago.
Yes, I am a non-practicing whore.
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